Monday, April 20, 2009

Why do people behave differently on the internet?

Have you ever looked at a forum post and thought,
'If you said that to me to my face I'd punch you in the nose'
, or along the same vein,
'you couldn't get away with saying that in real life.'
My point being that the Internet brings out the worst in a lot of people, to the point where they seem to think its clever to abuse people for fun.
Of course there are people like that in real life, but they don't get very far. However, what does worry me is that these idiots (for want of a better word) are completely normal people who seem to get their kicks out of showering people with abuse. Of course, what with this being the Internet, a lot of this abuse is completely warranted, but sometimes they seem to pick on people who's only crime is to not know an abbreviation or something that trivial.

There are many of these people, but they all seem to fall into a certain category which I will explain now:

The Smug Know It All:

You make one tiny mistake, Captain Smugface will gleefully leap upon your mistake with something so stupid as :
'Well, actually, I think you'll find in the 5th scene of Star Wars, Ewok 22 had 9 stitches in his jacket pocket, so there'.
These are people with A) no life and they actually know this shit, or B) someone with so low intelligence they decide to do battle with instead of the actual topic of the conversation, they start a new sub topic about something so obscure they can't really lose, because they are the only one who cares, so in their head they've won the battle. But paraphrase this with real life, do you think you would have any friends if you behaved like this? Well unless you named all the fists that came flying into your face, probably not.

The Tough Guy:

These guys are the funniest people on the 'net. You correct their (nearly always lame) argument one too many times , they will come out with something like this:
'Yeah? So what? You bring all your friends down to my house and I'll kick all of your asses in one punch!! You're a fag.'
These 'people' are most likely boys in high school who get bullied so badly during the day they feel the need to put on a tough guy persona for the 'net to make them feel less worthless than they already are. Then they go to school next day, feeling pleased they challenged someone to a fight, well, until Bully Mcbullison smashes his head into his desk and steals his money and homework.
With these people, I always think back to the scene in Jay and Silent Bob where they track down the little kid who said they were clown shoes and kick his ass, and hope that that actually happens in real life.

The Grammar Nazi:

Possibly the most annoying of all Internet losers, the majority know that grammar isn't that necessary for posting on a forum, so long as the point is got across fairly clearly, but Mr. Grammar Lover doesn't accept that. Oh no. He will greet you with astoundingly intelligent messages COMPLETELY unrelated to the topic like

' I can't listen to anything you say because you missed out the apostrophe in aren't, which therefore means you are so stupid I can't talk to you'.

In actuality, who's more stupid? Someone who makes a little mistake while talking about the topic, or some dip shit who wastes his time by basically, marking your post like a teacher and at the same time, not even bothering to contribute anything to the topic at hand. You can almost see them, with their arms folded, grinning smugly in front of their computer, when they really should be loading the shotgun they keep in the basement in preparation for chewing the barrel, you don't ever go into a bar and correct people when they say things wrong, do you? If you answered yes, go and buy a grenade, take the pin out and swallow it.

The Hit And Run:

These are actually pretty funny, Short and sweet and nothing to do with the topic, the Hit And Run types are usually found on the comments on YouTube, and they mainly consist of quoting someones post and replying along the lines of
'Yeah, but you're a butt pirate'

And thats it. That is the last you will hear of them, they leave as quick as they came. I cant make any comment on these people, as they don't really leave a personality trail with these sort of posts. However, I would love it if this happened in real life, where random people just run into shops and tell people they are gay. It would make going to buy some milk much more interesting.

The Racist:

These are the worst type of people, the closet racist. They always try to take the topic in a racist angle. For instance:
'What are you lot talking about? Its all the Jew's fault, are you all blind?'

These are quite worrying people, they probably spend their real life keeping all their racist thoughts to themselves, then unleash them all onto the Internet in one big supremist blast of relief, then go back to their job, and stew about how the black man is keeping them down.

So what makes these people behave like this? Hard to say, but most likely a deep seated sense of self-loathing or insecurity, that is soothed by trying to belittle others, but because they are too cowardly to do it in real life, Internet users take the brunt of this.

And so there ends my first rant. I hope you enjoyed it or found it informative in some way.